My Retirement Blog
The 7 Deadly Retirement Sins
I was provided with a free copy of the book, The 7 Deadly Retirement Sins to review. Since the book is about retirement and this a blog about retirement the book seemed like a good fit and after reading the book I can say it will be of interest to many of the readers of…
Two Free Retirement Books
Mike Piper of Oblivious Investor, is offering the Kindle version of his book, Can I Retire? , for free until Wednesday. If you want the paper edition the cost will be $5. This is a new edition of the book. He states that if you already own the book you don’t really need to get…
Take Advantage of a Stretch IRA
When you go to open an IRA account you will probably find that there are several variations. One variation of an individual retirement account (IRA) is a stretch IRA. This concept is used to pass the proceeds from an IRA to younger generations rather than to your spouse or peers. IRA owners must begin receiving…
U.S Retirement System a Success
You have probably read a lot of posts and articles lately detailing how the U.S. retirement system is failing retirees. The Frontline documentary, “The Retirement Gamble“, detailed how high 401k fees are making it difficult for many Americans to save enough for retirement. In the wake of the article there were many other posts and…
No Win No Fee Claims: What Are They Really?
In recent years you may have heard the term ‘no win, no fee’ mentioned a lot in the newspapers and on television but are you 100% you know what it means? There is a lot of confusion surrounding the term, a lot of which has led to misunderstandings and people losing out on money they…
Make Your Own Retirement Target Date Fund
You can create your own version of a target date retirement fund with Target Date motifs from Motif Investing. Target Date motifs are designed to provide you with a disciplined and diversified retirement portfolio that can fit your individual needs. Choose from eight motifs intended to keep your retirement investments allocated properly. Value. Using ETFs…
What Legal Protection do you Have if you can’t Care for Yourself?
Making a decision regarding what’s right for your own well being can be a difficult task at the best of times, but the thought of being unable to make that decision owing to mental or physical incapacity is an altogether more worrying state of affairs. If you are unable to care for yourself, there are…
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